
Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Sex With A Yeast Infection - Why You Need to Get Yeast Infection After Sex

Sex with a yeast infection is one sure way to spread it to your spouse and prolong the suffering of your own yeast infection. Condition intercourse and oral sex is ideal for the fungus Candida albicans that causes yeast infections.

One of the main problems is that you may think that you're clean from infection, but only the symptoms have disappeared; the root cause is still there. That is why many people keep getting a yeast infection after sex.

Learn why this is happening here, and, how many people are now completely free from fungal infections and are able to continue an active sex life once again.

First let us see what causes yeast infection. Candida albicans is the root cause. Candida albicans is the name given to microscopic fungi that live in warm moist areas of our bodies, such as the vagina, mouth and penis etc.

But, usually, your good bacteria to remain under good control. In some cases though, they fail to do this, and Candida to grow out of control (overgrows) causing symptoms of yeast infection.

Things that can provide the conditions that ended in yeast infections, such as; the harm the immune system, diabetes, sex with yeast infections, some medical conditions such as HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment of cancer, oral contraceptives, menstruation, pregnancy, antibiotics, medicines drugs, steroids, malnutrition, etc.


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